Listed below are items that soliders have requested for their unit. Please note that all new items must be commercial sealed.
Please select an item (noting the amount needed) to contribute and email your choice to Julie Lacjak (julie.lacjak@springs.com) by Wed, October 20. Please consider donating items even if your family is unable to attend the event.
Individually wrapped hard candy (4 bags); Beef Jerky (4 bags); Individual Gatorate Powder Packets (3 boxes); Coffee (3 bags); Blistex SPF 15+ (6 sticks); Medicated Foot Powder (3 containers); Toothbrushes (4); Toothpaste (4); Energy Bars (3 boxes); Baby Wipes (4 packages)
We are also asking that each family bring a least 1 gently used small stuffed animal and/or sports magazine to contribute, as well.