Monday, April 26, 2010

Pineville Park Update

On Sunday, April 25, 40 children and their parents met at Pineville Park for an afternoon of casual fun outdoors! The children had loads of fun playing on the playground and sandbox while the adults socialized. Then the children and the dads played a game of kickball while the moms relaxed! Finally, the families ate a picnic dinner together under the picnic shelter. What a fun, laid-back afternoon!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 25: Pineville Park

On Sunday, April 25, at 3:30pm, families will meet at Pineville Park for an afternoon of fun! Please bring a picnic dinner for your family, and contact Amy Matthews ( if you are planning to attend. As always, please wear your Koinonia Kids t-shirts!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lenten Workshop Update

Over 70 children and parents attended the Palm Sunday Family Service and Lenten Workshop! Families participated in the service and a workshop consisting of three activities based on the themes of New Life, Forgiveness, and Servanthood.

In the New Life activity, families had an opportunity to make simple bird's nests for use in bird rehabilitation. At the Forgiveness station, families heard a story about the power of forgiveness and then had a chance to write their prayers in sand. In the Servanthood activity, families watched a video on the practice of washing feet in Jesus' time and then took turns serving others by washing feet.

At the conclusion of the workshop, families gathered in the Commons to have a light snack and to connect with each other! What a great experience for children and their parents to learn together!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

March 28: Lenten Workshop

On Sunday, March 28, just following the Palm Sunday Family Service at 3:00pm, families will have an opportunity to participate in various activities related to the season of Lent. Children and their parents will rotate through several stations centered on themes such as forgiveness, service and new life. Please register for this event by emailing Elizabeth Boone (