Sunday, December 20, 2009

Caroling Update

On Sunday, December 6, 50 children and their parents gathered at the Carrington Place Nursing Home in Matthews, NC, singing and spreading joy to the residents there. Amy Matthews' grandmother, GiGi, a resident at Carrington Place, was one of the many people who enjoyed the festive music provided by the Koinonia Kids. Everyone had wonderful time getting in the Christmas spirit!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Caroling: Sunday, Dec. 6

On Sunday, December 6, at 2:00pm in the Commons we will gather to practice singing familiar Christmas carols. Then we will journey together to Carrington Place Nursing Home in Matthews where we will sing and bring Christmas joy to the residents! Festive snacks will be provided. Please register for this event by signing up in the narthex or emailing Amy Matthews ( Families are encouraged to wear festive hats, jingle bells or other holiday accessories for this event. As always, remember to wear your Koinonia Kids t-shirts!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Canned Food Drive Update

On Sunday, November 15, 75 children and adults gathered together for the Koinonia Kids canned food drive event. We had fun collecting food, eating dinner, and having fun together! During this event, the members of the Koinonia Kids collected 681 pounds of food from the Mitchell Glen and Blakeney Heath neighborhoods, which, combined with the efforts of several other organizations (SMPC, the Weekday School, Callonwood Subdivision, and Antioch Elementary School), provided 6,110 pounds of food for Loaves and Fishes food pantry. What a fabulous event and such a wonderful experience for both the children and their families!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

November 15: Canned Food Drive & Pizza Party

On Sunday, November 15, at 3:30pm, families will gather together in the parking lot to collect canned goods in two nearby neighborhoods (Mitchell Glen & Blakeney Heath), where fliers and collection bags will have been previously distributed by volunteers. Participants will return to the church, store the donations and eat dinner together. Families must register for this event by signing up in the narthex or emailing Elizabeth Boone ( Pizza will be available for $1/slice (pizza order will be based on # of people registered). Drinks and side dishes will be provided. Don’t forget to wear your Koinonia Kids t-shirts!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

October Events: Crop Walk and Movies

For the month of October, Koinonia Kids will be going to the movies! On Sunday, October 18, participants will meet at the Stonecrest Regal Cinemas to see an afternoon movie (selection of both G and PG films).

Please sign up to participate by emailing Elizabeth ( or by signing up in the narthex!

CrossFit 4 Kids Update

A great time was had by all at the Koinonia Kids Kick-off event: CrossFit 4 Kids! In all, nearly 90 children and adults participated in a variety of fun and games!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kick-Off Event this Sunday: CrossFit 4 Kids Fitness Party

This Sunday, September 27, at 3:30pm on the SMPC field, is the Koinonia Kids kick-off event: 2nd Annual CrossFit 4 Kids Fitness Party! Jeremy Boone will lead us in lots of fun activities, and there will be refreshments, as well. Don't forget to wear comfortable clothes and plan to pick up your t-shirts at the event. If you have not already registered to participate or purchased t-shirts for Koinonia Kids, registration forms will be available at this event and t-shirts are $5 for each participating family member. We can't wait to see you Sunday!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Koinonia Kids Kick-Off!

We are so excited about the kick-off to our newest children's ministry...KOINONIA KIDS! This group is designed specifically for children (ages 3* through 5th grade) and their parents to strengthen the bonds of friendship, family and faith here at SMPC! KOINONIA KIDS will meet one Sunday afternoon each month throughout the year. Children and their parents will have various opportunities to participate in events such as fellowship activities, service projects, and educational workshops.

Families must register to participate, which includes ordering a KOINONIA KIDS t-shirt for each participant (eligible children and their parents) to be worn at each event. Families must also sign up to help with one event per year, which will include providing refreshments and supporting the event coordinator during that particular KOINONIA KIDS activity. Childcare for younger siblings will be provided at most KOINONIA KIDS events.

Click here to download the REGISTRATION FORM to participate in this exciting new program at SMPC!